The Barton County Appraiser’s Office is reviewing properties with building permits or properties that have sold in the past few months, County Appraiser Barb Esfeld said. The office will soon start its final review process to establish values for Jan. 1, 2020.
This is a process where appraisals for the Jan. 1, 2020, values are taken to the field and each property is reviewed for accuracy before each value is set, she said. Kansas statutes requires the county appraiser establish fair market value for both residential and commercial properties in the County.
“Fair market value” means the amount in terms of money that a well-informed buyer is justified in paying and a well-informed seller is justified in accepting for a property in an open and competitive market, assuming that the parties are acting without undue compulsion, Esfeld said.
Appraisal staff will be drive by each parcel in the County in marked vehicles. This process will last up through February and values will be mailed to each owner on or before March 1, 2020. pursuant to state law.
Emergency Risk Manager Amy Miller
On Oct. 23, the Barton County Local Emergency Planning Committee sponsored by Barton County Emergency Management, held its fourth quarterly meeting of 2019. Chairman Amy Miller requested that the committee approve the publication of a public notice to inform citizens on how to access information about hazardous substances within Barton County.
Miller said the annual Training and Exercise Planning Workshop had been scheduled for Nov. 7 in the Barton County Courthouse Conference Room. Committee members discussed potential exercises for the upcoming year for consideration at the TEPW.
With the recently updated printer for the Comprehensive Resource Management and Credentialing System, Miller informed the committee that entering equipment as deployable resources is being emphasized. When equipment is entered into CRMCS, such as a vehicle, an accountability card can be printed and sent with the vehicle to assist with tracking assets at an emergency scene.
In addition, agencies can search for equipment to be requested from surrounding agencies for help during an incident.
County Engineer Barry McManaman
• L&M Contractors is building the two new box culverts west of Pawnee Rock on SW 70 Road. The county’s engineering technician is doing the inspection.
• Cartographer assisted with right of way research to answer landowner questions.
• Met with KDOT and the K&O Railroad to discuss a railroad crossing improvement project on Airport Road.
• Martin Outdoor Enterprises started work on the KDOT signing project on various County roads. Engineering Technician is doing the inspection work and coordinating with KDOT.
County Treasurer Jim Jordan
Motor Vehicle
• Title work - 607
• Issue Disabled Placard - 41
• Issue Park permits - 76
• Registration renewal - 2,617
Tax Accounting
• 13 payment plan agreements have been paid in full for the month of October
• Tax Sale Completed
• All banking is up to date and current.
Juvenile Services Director Marissa Woodmansee
• Juvenile intake and assessment has completed 38 intakes since Oct. 1.
• Juvenile intensive supervised probation and case management is currently supervising 30 youth post adjudication with an additional four on pre-adjudication supervision and three on bond supervision.
• Truancy diversion is the case management program for youth who have truancy issues and currently provides case management for 20 youth in the 20th Judicial District.
• Immediate intervention (diversion supervision) has 25 youth currently participating.
• All-Stars has started in all the schools who are providing this curriculum.
Road sealing, striping done
The Barton County Road and Bridge Department finished sealing the northeast section of the county, County Works Director Darren Williams said. This included prepping for striping, brooming off excess material and marking the no passing zones and centerline stripe.
A contract painting crew striped approximately 100 miles of yellow and white lines.
In other departmental business:
• Mowing continues on county rights of way, and crews installed culverts for field entrances and replaced culverts as needed.
• Noxious Weed has finished spraying the townships for broadleaf control. More time is needed to completed spraying broadleaf, bindweed, and Johnson grass on both county and Kansas Department of Transportation rights of way.