Local businesses are invited to join in a national event called “Miracle Jeans Day,” which will take place Wednesday, Sept. 12. The Miracle Jeans Day is an opportunity for local businesses and its employees to wear jeans for a $5 fee per employee. All collected proceeds are submitted following the Miracle Jeans day by the company to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center in Great Bend is one of the six locations served by Children’s Miracle Network hospitals in its 64-county area. Any family who has a child between the age of birth to 21 years of age, and has a diagnosed condition by a certified medical professional, is able to receive up to $500 for mileage reimbursement, durable medical goods, or prescription drugs. Twice a year, grants are also provided to pediatric needs in the area. Any businesses interested in participating in Miracle Jeans Day should visit www.miraclejeansday.com to register online.
Local businesses encouraged to participate in Miracle Jeans Day Local businesses are invited to joi