Barton County expects to receive more of the COVID-19 vaccine this week and will hold two drive-through clinics at different times on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at the Expo III building west of Great Bend. A morning clinic is for people scheduled to receive their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. An afternoon clinic with first doses is available to individuals in Phase 2 of the Kansas vaccination schedule.
County Administrator Phil Hathcock released the following information :
Second doses
The morning clinic, from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, is for individuals who received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine between Dec. 21, 2020 and Jan. 7.
• If you received your first COVID-19 vaccination during the above dates, you are automatically on the list for the second dose. Please do not call to make an appointment; second doses will only be administered during this time frame. If you for some reason are not able to accommodate this schedule, your name will be placed on the list for second doses at the next drive-through event. The manufacturer of the vaccine, Moderna, allows for the second dose 28 days after the first dose, with a grace period of plus or minus four days.
400 first doses
Barton County anticipates receiving 400 doses for the afternoon drive-through clinic, set for 4 p.m. Wednesday at Expo III. The drive-through will be conducted on a first-come-first-served basis.
• Eligible participants are based on KDHE guidance to vaccinate persons aged 65+, congregate settings and high-contact critical workers as outlined in Phase 2 of the Governor’s plan and only those individuals will be included in this event. Due to the limited number of vaccine doses Barton County has received, it is likely the event will end before 6:30 p.m. Barton County anticipates receiving more vaccine in the near future and will continue to host additional drive through clinics as soon as possible.
Bring a consent form
To expedite their vaccinations, eligible persons may visit to download and complete the vaccine consent form found under the COVID-19 tab. This step is recommended but not required.