Preceptor Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at March 20 at the home of Janis Link, who also served as co-hostess. President Janis Link conducted the meeting.
Members discussed plans for the Master Degree ritual for several chapter members who have become eligible for the degree. The ritual is planned for the May 1 meeting. Shirley Slater from Theta Master chapter will participate in the ritual as a Master Degree member.
Judy Krebaum read from an article titled “Talking About Traditions” in the Dec/Jan Torch magazine, about the tradition of the sorority’s annual conventions. Beta Sigma Phi celebrated its 10th anniversary at its 1941 convention in Kansas City, Mo. With more than 20,000 members on the Beta Sigma Phi rolls at that time, 1,000 young women had attended the convention.
Service chair Janice Walker continued collecting personal items for the Girls’ Home, which currently had four girls staying there and possibly soon will have one more. For the April service project, members are to bring food items for the Food Bank. Members discussed plans for organizing the chapter’s sale of cemetery wreaths and flowers set for May 12 as a chapter fund-raiser.
Social chair Susan Brown noted members enjoyed attending Barton Community College’s Spring Musical, “Lil Abner,” March 9.
Preceptor Pi will host the Beta Sigma Phi City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. April 19 at Link’s home. The Founder’s Day celebration including Great Bend’s four chapters is set for 6:30 p.m. April 24 in the Cavanaugh Room at Barton Community College’s Learning Resource Center. Preceptor Pi members will be greeters and will be responsible for cleaning up following the celebration.
Member Jeanne Schmitt gave the program on her collection of cameos in various forms of jewelry including rings, necklaces and pins. She received her first cameos as rings from her grandparents and she later began collecting them.
The next meeting of Preceptor Pi will be at 7 p.m. April 3 hosted by Susan Coulson at Rosewood Gallery on Main Street. Karen Reif will be co-hostess and she will present the program.
Preceptor Pi makes plans for Master Degree Ritual