Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3111 and its Ladies Auxiliary met on Feb. 28 at the Post Home.
Crystal Ann Trout was accepted into membership.
The Charter was draped in memory of Patricia Robl and Theda Debes.
Thelma Hipp, Americanism Chairperson reminded the members that April 31st is Election Day. If not registered to vote, March 13 is the deadline to be able to vote in April.
Lois Marshall gave a report on Valentine distributed to the residents at Cherry Village and Great Bend Health and Rehabilitation Center nursing homes, River Bend Assisted Living and Sterling House, on Valentine’s Day.
The Seventh District VFW Post and Auxiliary Convention will be held in Great Bend on April 22, hosted by Post 3111 and its Auxiliary.
The next meeting will be held on March 27 at the Post Home.
VFW Post 3111 and Ladies Auxiliary