Families might be adding extra activities to their schedule before school starts again. Whether in the water or hills, the ballfield or backyard, take care so kids and all family members are safe from sun, insects and injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a portion of their website dedicated to family health.
Swimming in the pool and playing in the sprinklers are favorite summer activities. However, drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages 1 to 4. Water safety tips from CDC include:
• Always supervise children in or around water. A responsible adult should constantly watch young children.
• Teach kids to swim. Formal swimming lessons can protect young children from drowning.
• Learn CPR. Knowing this skill can be critical in a time of need.
• Install a four-sided fence around home pools.
• When boating, always wear a properly fitted life jacket.
Secondly, overheating and sunstroke can occur in healthy children, youth and adults. If someone shows signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, move him or her to a cool location and seek medical help. To avoid over-heating:
• Never leave infants, children or pets in a parked car, even if the windows are cracked open.
• Schedule outdoor activities in the morning and evening hours.
• Keep cool with cool showers or baths.
Just a few serious sunburns can lead to skin cancer in the years ahead. To prevent sunburn:
• Cover up. Clothing that covers the skin helps protect against UV rays.
• Use sunscreen with at least SPF (sun protection factor) 15 and UVA (ultraviolet A) and UVB (ultraviolet B) protection every time you and your child go outside.
The third reminder is to protect yourself and your family from bites and diseases. Zika, West Nile Virus and Lyme disease can all be transmitted by insects. To help with protection:
• Use an effective insect repellent. Products containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535 as well as some natural oils provide long-lasting protection.
• Some pesticides (acaricides) can reduce the number of ticks, but these should not be relied on for providing full protection.
• Check yourself and your children for ticks after being outdoors, especially if you have been camping or hiking. Instructions for effectively removing ticks are available on the CDC website.
Have a safe rest of the summer.
Berny Unruh is the family and community wellness agent for the Cottonwood Extension District. She can be reached at 785-628-9430 or at bunruh@ksu.edu.