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Wake up, everyone
A Woman's View
Judi Tabler color mug

We are in precarious times.

If we will be truthful, or sit still long enough to actually think, and not keep telling ourselves that we are just fine, we might notice that what I say is true. Never before have citizens been paid to not work, never have there been riots in many cities at once, never have we been told we cannot say certain things, never have we murdered babies in and out of the womb ... and on and on. Nor have we been subjected to such profane filth in our popular music, nor heard so much use of profanity on television and movies.

It’s totally madness.

We talk about “the return to normal” but we add that it will be a “new normal.” We have not begun to process what that “new normal” might be, however.

These are not normal times. Is this merely political like in our past history? No. It’s far more serious than that. Scripture tells us what is going on. Read Matthew 24 or Mark 13; read Revelation. Even those who don’t read the Bible know that things are not right.

We are witnessing a “woke” culture, an attempt to destroy a wonderful, but not perfect America, and a definite acceleration of actions meant to turn us into a radical society.

We who live in the Midwest, especially in the smaller towns, have not experienced the events of the cites like Portland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Dallas. We haven’t witnessed the burning, looting, and pillaging of businesses, court houses, and police precincts, the beating by agitators with fists, bats, and the use of explosives. We have not seen officers harassed and shot, and we haven’t yet witnessed “Gestapo” tactics in our small towns. Well not often, anyway.

We are very protected here in the Midwest.

But we are not immune. We might need to adjust our thinking now. Perhaps we are idealistic, but that attitude must be tempered with wisdom, caution, and understanding what is going on. We must take our heads out of the sand. We avoid thinking about it. However, if this craziness continues, at some point we are going to experience some backsplash in our part of the world.

It’s time to do some research and understand that the entire world is at a crossroads, and that crossroads has come to America.

So, what does all of this mean? It is not the time to think that this will “blow over.” However, it is time to be aware. We have never had to be on guard. We have felt safe and secure, and our minds are not trained to think otherwise. 

The troubles in Israel? “Oh that’s them.” The problems in Canada with Gestapo, black dressed officials storming churches? “That’s there.” The slaughter in Africa of Christians? “Well, that’s nothing to concern me!” The problems at the border? “That’s far away from Kansas.” The child sex trade where kids are murdered after being used? “Oh, I am watching our kids.” The drug epidemic? “Not my kid.” 

The fact is, none of it is real to us because it has not touched our selfish, little world. 

But ... however ... People are waking up.

It is not business as usual in this country.  

Judi Tabler lives in Pawnee County and is a guest columnist for the Great Bend Tribune. She can be reached