Chris Klima, Great Bend, operates a small, rescue based shelter called Chasing Tails Rescue. Her network put out the plea to pull dogs from shelters around the Houston area earlier this week. She has since been organizing a transport that will be part of a caravan with a Wichta based rescue, Beauties and the Beasts, leaving Kansas on Friday.
Chasing Tails has rented cargo vans which they will be loading up with food and supplies donated by Wichita area All Paws Pet Centers. They plan to head to El Paso, Texas and other shelters in need close to and around the Houston area.
Klima said they will deliver the supplies and then load up kennels for a return trip on Sunday. Many of the dogs will be transferred to shelters from Kansas City, Nebraska, and around the Wichita area. She is also taking applications now for foster homes in the Great Bend area.
Donations already received are helping to pay for van rental, fuel, food, and whatever else the Houston area shelters may be in need of upon their arrival, she said.