Here is a summary of other action/information from Monday’s Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education meeting:
• In honor of School Board Recognition Month, board members were given pies from Perkins Restaurant and praised for their generous volunteer public service.
• The board approved Wednesday, April 27 as Community Service Day. Great Bend High School students will perform volunteer work in the community.
• A resolution was adopted to include USD 428 in Barton County’s Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Multi-Hazard, Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan. Without participation the district would have to develop its own plan to be eligible for FEMA funds in the event of a natural disaster.
• From Panther Cards to hog feed tickets, school organizations will conduct several fundraisers in 2016-17. The board approved the list, which is similar to last year’s.
• Jefferson Elementary Principal Art Baker was appointed as the district representative on the Education Foundation’s board of trustees. He replaces Eisenhower Elementary Principal Tricia Reiser, who have served for six years and whose term is expiring.
• Dozens of policy revisions had their “first reading” Monday. Superintendent Brad Reed said the revisions were mostly improved phrasing, “nothing that substantially changes our policies or anything that we are doing.” They will be back on the agenda for approval in February.
Community Service Day set for April 27