GBHS FFA presents appreciation plague Lakin Funk, President of the Great Bend High School FFA presents an FFA appreciation plaque to Sam Stremel representing Gottschalk Equipment and Arctic Cat. Gottschalt Equipment Sales sponsored the Great Bend FFA Chapter in the Arctic Cat Dealership Chapter Grant Program with a monetary donation to the chapters scholarship fund and has also help sponsor the chapter tee shirts the past several years. The GBHS FFA Officers and Gottschalk Equipment Sales Representatives from l to r: Jon Skinner, Tristian Mitchell, Lauren Miller, Katie Maneth, Lakin Funk, Desteny English, Cory Burnham, Sam Stremel, Grant Keller, Jessica Disque and Jared Loesch. Latest Barton County 4-Hers receive scholarships Kans for Kids names scholarship recipients BCC spring graduates Archer Scholarship Fund benefits local students; awards total $132,000