The Kansas Wetlands Education Center has the cure for boredom – winter nature programs! Kids will turn a 2-liter pop bottle into a gnome bird house complete with a bark or grass roof, make a snowflake and ceramic pot turtle, play games and of course learn more about the world around them and the creatures living there. So don’t delay, sign-up soon, as the maximum for each class is 20 children.
Designed for children ages 6 through 12, one-hour programs will be offered at no charge from 10-11 a.m. each Saturday. Children age 7 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Registration deadlines in sequential order of the classes are Jan. 30, Feb. 6 and Feb. 13. To register for classes, or for more information, call 620-566-1456 or 1-877-243-9268. Although there is no program charge, donations for supplies are always appreciated.
Feb. 2: Wild about Wetlands
Discover the world of wetland creatures and the important role of wetlands in this interactive program. After acting out a wetland story, participants will use common household items to construct a wetland. The session ends with creating a turtle to take home.
Feb. 9: Let It Snow
Watch ice crystals develop in a simple, easy to duplicate snowflake machine in this program that features the wonders of snow. Find out whether each snowflake is different, and make your very own unique snowflake to take home.
Feb. 16: Snow Birds
Learn to identify the hardy birds that stay through the Kansas winter and their songs, then go outside and find them during the national Backyard Bird Count. Participants will also make a gnome house birdfeeder for their own backyards in honor of National Bird Feeding Month.
KWEC offers winter kids programs