The Kansas Wetlands Education Center has the cure for the winter blues – nature programs! Kids will make a snow crystal, investigate backyard birds and become a sleuth, during KWEC’s February Saturday morning programs.
Designed for children ages 6 through 12, one-hour programs will be offered at no charge from 10-11 a.m. each Saturday, except the Feb. 20 program that will go from 10-11:30 a.m. Children age 7 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Registration deadlines in sequential order of the classes are Feb. 3, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17. To register for classes, or for more information, call 620-566-1456 or 1-877-243-9268. The maximum class size is 20 children. Although there is no program charge, donations for supplies are always appreciated.
Let it Snow: Feb. 6
Make ice crystals in a snowflake machine made from household items and powered with dry ice. Find out whether each snowflake is truly different and make your own unique snowflake to take home.
Celebrate birds!: Feb. 13
Create a gourd bird house for your backyard, and participate in the national Backyard Bird Count, after learning about our winter birds and how to recognize them. Binoculars will be provided.
Masters of the Night Sky: Feb. 20
Who hunts soundlessly throughout the night, striking terror in little rodent hearts? Owls of course! Learn more about these masters of the night skies, with special appearances by live owls. Participants will also dissect an owl pellet, make a bone chart and a simple owl craft.
KWEC offers winter kids programs