Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood of Make-Believe is alive and well at the Public Broadcasting System, now as an animated children’s program called “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.” The show’s modern star, 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, was featured Wednesday at the Great Bend Public Library.
Fred Rogers (1928 - 2003) filled his Land of Make Believe with puppet characters such as Daniel Striped Tiger and King Friday XIII, and Rogers performed most of the voices.
As part of the Summer Library Program, Jessica Bowman from Smoky Hills Public Television read the book “Daniel Chooses to be King.” Then children watched PBS episode “King Daniel for the Day.” King Friday makes Daniel king for the day and he discovers that the most important part of being king is being kind to his neighbors.
There was an activity where children made “shaky eggs” — plastic eggs filled with noisemaking items — and everyone got to take home a noisemaker, a flute and a copy of the book.
Librarian Amy Mayhill remarked that parents will be sure to enjoy the books, if not the noisemakers.
Bowman is a public school teacher from Hillsboro whose summer job is to present the Share a Story program for SHPTV. It is part of the station’s mission to encourage children to read.
Activities at the library are free and there are summer reading programs for all ages:
• Every Monday at noon a musical will be shown on the main floor, and at 2 p.m. teens and children can watch musical movies in their respective areas.
• Tuesday Family Story Times start at 10:30 a.m.
• Every Wednesday at 2 p.m. there will be a special presenter with family entertainment.
• Thursdays have events for all ages. June 6 activities include Mini Music Makers for Pre-K through second grade, drum beats, at 9 a.m.; Music Makers for grades 3-5, drum beats, at 10:30 a.m.; and Monarchs on the Move, presented by K-State Extension, at 2:30 p.m.
• Fridays from 10-11 a.m. the library will serve free coffee and present live music during Jive and Joe. This Friday’s guest musician is country songwriter Darrell Bauer.