The Barton County Commission Monday morning heard a report from Health Director Lily Akings on the various programs and trainings that have taken place and are planned for the Health Department.
• Her department held a quarterly in-service training session recently featuring Great Bend Police Department officer Jefferson Davis on what to do in the effect of an active shooter.
“It made us ask ‘what if?’” she said. They are now preparing a diagram of their building to submit to law enforcement and are awaiting the results of a security assessment.
She recommended this program be repeated for county facilities.
• Applied for and received a grant from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for $2,800 to purchase an otoacoustic emission hearing test machine. OAE is a sound which is generated from within the inner ear and this device will help with testing the hearing of young children.
• Applied for a grant to cover the cost of a new digital sign in front of the department office. The cost would be $27,000, of which the department would have to pay 10 percent. They have not yet heard if this has been approved.
• Set the first official meeting of the Barton County Board of Health (aka the County Commission). This will take place April 28 in the Commission chambers at the Courthouse.
• Completed the department’s 2013 annual report. It includes results from 2013 as well as goals for 2014.
Health department undergoes security assessment