Royal court Great Bend High School celebrates its fall homecoming today with student dismissal at 2:30 p.m., a parade down Main Street at 3 p.m. and the game with Wichita Heights High School at 7. There will also be a GBHS Madrigals chili supper from 5-7 in the GBHS commons and crowing of royalty at 6:30 prior to the game. The Fall Homecoming 2010 candidates include: Seniors, Orlando Hernandez and Jennifer Allende, Justin Jordan and Liz Escobedo, Ian Sheppard and Abbey Riegal, and Dakota Zecha and Jessica Kuhlman; juniors, Trevor Olsen and Ashley Hillegeist, and Connor Sell and Jenna Williams; sophomores, Josh Lopez and Leah Muiruir, and Eric Ruiz and Madison Werth; and freshmen, Elijah Conner and Amber Baker, and Logan Zecha and Megan Vanskike. The crown bearer and flower girl are Brandley Johnson and Kaylee Kinsinger. - photo by DALE HOGG Great Bend Tribune Latest Krystall Barnes' art featured at Sandzen Gallery Ensuring kids’ safety Zoological Society to host Chamber Coffee this week GBCF to host Chamber Coffee