Workers will begin performing slurry seal work on 10th Street next week, City Engineer Robert L. Winiecke said.
Work will begin either Monday night or Tuesday, depending on the weather and other scheduling concerns. Traffic will be shifted based upon the pavement being sealed, with traffic channeled to an alternate lane. The work is expected to take about two weeks.
The project will be done in four segments: Patton to Kennedy, McKinley to Harrison, Washington to Main and Frey to approximately 1,320 feet east of the U.S. 281 Bypass.
This is a City Connecting Links (KLINK) project through the Kansas Department of Transportation, and KDOT will participate in cost-sharing up to $200,000. Last September, the city council accepted a bid from Vance Brother, Kansas City, Mo., for $348,344 to perform slurry sealing, microsurfacing and striping at locations along U.S. 56/K-156/K-96 within the city limits under the FY 2014 KLINK program. As Winiecke noted at that time, this will involve 10th Street pretty much from east to west.
Slurry seal is a pavement preservation technique that is used to freshen the driving surface and seal cracks in the existing pavement, Winiecke explained. “The whole project will also be re-striped following completion of the slurry application."
Work on 10th St. to start next week