APAC-Shears Inc. will close 2nd Street at the intersection of Main Street to install new waterline on Tuesday, Oct. 9. This closure will be reopened by Oct. 16.
The contract with APAC-Shears was let by the City of Great Bend on June 9, 2017, with a contract price of $3,787,417. The project is scheduled to be substantially complete on Jan. 15, 2019, with a final completion on March 9, 2019. This project will replace approximately 3,000 linear feet of water mains along with valves, fire hydrants and service licenses.
The City of Great Bend apologizes for any inconvenience created during this repair. Use care and think ahead when driving through the work zone. Remember to obey the posted speed limits and other regulatory signs, to maintain a steady speed, to leave room between yourself and other vehicles, to be aware of road conditions in front of you and to anticipate the need to stop or reduce speed substantially,