Dear Editor,
There are a couple of specifics I think voters should consider as they go to vote in the Kansas gubernatorial race. I hear the media claim Kansas has fallen behind its neighbors. However, there are metrics that present a more complete picture. More Kansans are working than ever before; for the last two months earnings growth has been above 3 percent, surpassing neighbor states; and small business incomes have grown 26 percent since January 2011, surpassing all neighbors.
While Kansas total nonfarm job growth ranks middle of the pack, Brownbacks platform was always to limit the size of government. These government jobs are counted as non-farm growth. Kansas is adding jobs through new and expanding businesses, putting more money in the pockets of Kansans, and is showing promise in real economic output. These facts argue against the misconception of a stagnant economy.
I believe Brownbacks pro-growth policies are the best way to ensure a bright future for all Kansans.
Lowell Peachey
Specifics for voters to consider