Dear Editor,
As the Kansas Legislature returns to wrap up the budget for the next two fiscal years a cloud of uncertainty hangs over our state universities. Despite agreements with the Kansas Board of Regents and the governor’s office to support a flat budget for the next two years, a last-minute tuition freeze was thrown into the mix.
While we are dedicated to keeping tuition as affordable as possible, adopting the tuition freeze at this time would have devastating effects. Since 2001, annual enrollment at Kansas State University has grown by more than 2,300 students. The proposed flat budget for next year represents the same level of base funding we received from the state in 2001.
Adding more students while state support declines is not a path for long-term success. Freezing tuition without any increase in state support will severely limit our ability to maintain the quality academic programs our students deserve.
We have worked hard to support our growth by increasing private donations, attracting research grants and, with our students’ input, increasing tuition. A flat budget and frozen tuition will essentially remove flexibility from our two largest sources of revenue. Under no scenario can this be considered sound financial policy. The net result would effectively be the largest budget cuts in our history.
The Kansas Board of Regents has the constitutional authority to set tuition rates for state universities. The Legislature should respect this authority and remove the proposed tuition freeze for state universities. We support the governor’s recommendation for a flat budget for higher education.
Kansas State University is experiencing tremendous positive momentum and we want to continue forward progress. For the benefit of all Kansans, we need stable funding for higher education.
Kirk Schulz
Kansas State University
Universities Need Stable State Funding