A female motorist in Kitsap County, Wash., reported being motioned by another driver to pull over, but she ignored him.
The man then tried to ratchet up his credibility, motioning her over again but this time holding a hand-scrawled sign reading “sheriff.”
She remained unimpressed.
Seattle Weekly reported that a similar incident had occurred several months earlier.
I was
wondering ...
Robert Michelson was arrested in Farmington, Conn., after calling a 911 operator to inquire about the lawfulness of the marijuana plant he was growing.
The operator informed him that it was illegal.
All 911 calls are automatically traced, and Michelson was soon arrested.
That’ an
A Taiwanese factory owner accidentally dropped 200 $1,000 bills (worth about $6,600 in U.S. dollars) into an industrial shredder, turning them into confetti.
Luckily, Taiwan’s Justice Ministry employs a forensic handwriting analyst who excels at jigsaw puzzles on the side.
Ms. Liu Hui-fen worked almost around the clock for seven days to piece together the 75 percent of each bill sufficient to make them legally exchangeable.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
Just keep driving gals