Just about every day you can find it. The bad news coming out of Hollywood.
You’ll hear about the spoiled, rich, fling-happy, over indulged celebrities.
And they deserve the notoriety.
They are spoiled.
They are over paid.
They are over privileged.
But they are not everyone in Hollywood.
You just have to look at Gary Sinise to see that.
Sinise — you may remember him best as Lt. Dan from “Forest Gump” — has been announced as the 2011 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award winner.
It’s about time.
Sinise has been working hard to benefit others for years now, though you wouldn’t have known it from watching the tube.
See, Gary Sinise isn’t one of the “I hate America” celebrities.
He’s been working behind the scenes for years, entertaining our troops, providing support for veterans, and doing a lot more, for which he’s being recognized.
The Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Foundation announced that Sinise will receive the award in Kansas City on May 5. The award will mark President Truman’s 127th birthday.
This time, a nice guy didn’t finish last.
It’s refreshing, for a change.
— Chuck Smith
'Lt. Dan' deserves his honor