Whether it’s Sen. Jim DeMint, who spoke out this week, or any other serving member of Congress, suggesting they are going to blow off this week’s joint session and the president’s speech is just wrong.
We are back to a point that was raised in the last administration — with no success, mind you — when there was such an outcry against President George Bush.
Many of us commented then that his opponents could at least respect the office. Those who made jokes when someone tried to hit him with a thrown shoe overseas, for instance, would undoubtedly be appalled if someone attempted to harm “their” president today.
At issue is how Americans view their elected leader.
He is, after all, our elected leader.
We have to respect and venerate the office, precisely when there IS someone in it with whom we disagree.
That is when it is MOST important for us to respect the office and the position.
It’s easy to show respect when we agree with the elected official. That takes no character at all.
And those of us who are arguing that character is vitally important in our culture must be willing to show that character when it matters most.
Our legislators are expected to uphold the integrity of their office and they should show respect for the office of the presidency as long as they are in office.
This week, former press secretary for George W. Bush, Dana Perino, was quoted saying: “you’re an elected leader, and it’s quite a privilege to be able to be there.”
Whether they agree with what is being said in the speeches or not, whether they believe they are coming along too frequently or not, they need to uphold their office and attend and act like they still believe they are privileged to participate in this moment of American history.
It’s the least they can do to show respect to those who had the faith to put them in office in the first place.
— Chuck Smith
Show some respect