To the editor:
At a time when people are tending to panic due to the coronavirus outbreak, the RSVP and Volunteers In Action volunteers have really stepped forward. These volunteers serve a vulnerable population and being able to continue serving means our volunteers jump through many hoops to keep everyone safe. Three of those groups include our Meals On Wheels volunteers (72), Medical Transportation volunteers (17), and our American Red Cross Blood Mobile volunteers (19).
On Monday the American Red Cross was able to hold a blood drive, collecting 88 units of very necessary blood. This meant all volunteers, many of them part of that vulnerable population, took many extra steps to help deliver service. None of them complained and many asked if they could do more.
I would like to say bravo to the coordinator Aleta Ehrlich and her 18 volunteers for going above and beyond to make sure this vital service is performed. These included: Donna Gales, Linda Haberman, Dolores Westfall, Carolee Nolte, Jo Tammen, Sharon Jones, Sharon Lanterman, Rosy Meier, Kathy Mai, Judy Jenisch, Vicki Hasselhorst, Mattie Begg, Ann Lessor, LaVerne Lessor, Marilyn Dougherty, Amy Kile, Carrie Witte and Reta Brack. Thank you to all the volunteers out there who continue to serve even though their jobs have become a little tougher to do.
Linn Hogg – Director
RSVP/Volunteers In Action of Central KS
Great Bend