More than 2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Kansas as of Monday, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. This includes 1,149,916 Kansans – 39.5% of the total population (all ages) – who have received one dose and 877,266 who have received a second dose.
Countywide vaccination rates of people 16 years of age and older who have received one dose and who have completed the vaccine series are shown below for area counties:
• Barton 41.05% - 35.92%
• Ellsworth 51.28% - 41.95%
• Pawnee 47.08% - 40.89%
• Rice 40.50% - 33.95%
• Rush 46.35% - 40.96%
• Russell 42.07% - 36.53%
• Stafford 42.02% - 38.07%
The KDHE reports that as of Monday, the state has had 310,927 confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, resulting in 10,405 hospitalizations and 5,016 deaths. There were 345 new cases, 31 new hospitalizations and no new deaths reported since Friday, May 7.
There have been 14 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) cases associated with COVID-19 statewide.