Police in Hyderabad, Pakistan, recently arrested a doctor for the increasingly suspect crime of insulting Islam — after he merely tossed away the business card of a man who happened to have the last name “Muhammad.”
According to an Associated Press dispatch, dozens of Pakistanis are sentenced to death each year for such tangential references to the holy name of Muhammad, but the government fears that trying to repeal the law might incite Muslim extremism.
At least
the lawyer
got paid
The New Jersey Government Record Council ruled that the town of Somerset had overcharged Tom Coulter in 2008 by $4.04 on the $5 it collected for a compact disc of a council meeting and must issue a refund.
The town estimates that it spent about $17,000 fighting Coulter’s appeals — and paying his attorney’s feesAt .
shut down
the courts
Brandi Jo Winkelman, 17, was charged in Juneau, Wis., with violating the state’s child abuse law after a schoolyard fight and risks a maximum of six years in prison.
Authorities charged Winkelman even though her “victim” was a classmate older than Winkelman.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
But they really are so peaceful