The elegant, expansive, gleaming new glass-and-concrete indoor stairway at the Common Pleas Courthouse in Columbus, Ohio, opened recently, to mostly rave reviews for its sense of space and light, creating the feeling of walking suspended on air.
However, as Judge Julie Lynch and other women soon discovered, the glass partitions at each step make it easy for perverts to gawk from underneath at dress-wearing women using the stairs.
“You’re on notice,” Judge Lynch warned her sister dress-wearers, “that you might want to take the elevator.”
Pots call this
kettle, well, ‘black’
Pablo Borgen has apparently been living without neighbors’ complaints in Lakeland, Fla., despite general knowledge that he is, according to sheriff’s officials, one of the area’s major heroin traffickers, bringing in tens of thousands of dollars a month.
Following a drug sting, however, neighbors discovered another fact about Borgen: that he and some of his gang were each drawing $900 a month in food stamps.
Formerly indifferent neighbors were outraged by Borgen’s abuse of benefits, according to WTSP-TV.
“Hang him by his toes,” said one.
“I’ve been out of work since February 2008. I lived for a year on nothing but food stamps.”
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
That goes for the Scotchmen, too