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Don't be an idiot
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If they are paying attention at all, Americans must be asking themselves what it will take for our nation to drop the business-as-usual agenda and start trying to work on real problems that threaten our standard of living, our advancement as a nation, even our very national security.It just seems like those who are at the heart of the national agenda can’t do anything but continue with business as usual.Case in point: Recently there was a meeting of the group, Common Cause, in Los Angeles.And after the event, according to a recent Associated Press article, those responsible for the organization had to issue an apology.“Common Cause said in a statement it condemns ‘bigotry and hate speech in every form.’“The comments were made during interviews by conservative activist and videographer Christian Hartsock, who has contributed to Andrew Breitbart’s“Hartsock’s footage created a buzz in the blogosphere after being posted on YouTube. In it, Hartsock is heard laughing as he goads his subjects with questions like, ‘After we impeach Clarence Thomas, what do we do with him?’“One woman suggests the Supreme Court justice should be lynched, while a man says, ‘Put him back in the fields.’”That’s just stupid.It is high time that Americans grow up, take their responsibilities seriously and stop with the senseless attempts at “humor.”Let’s face it, despite what the talking heads of the tube try to tell us, not everything is an appropriate topic for jokes.And in this day of instant celebrity, not every topic is even appropriate for discussion.If you feel that Supreme Court Judger Clarence Thomas belongs “back in the field,” do the rest of us a favor and just shut up!For crying out loud, you don’t have to get any further than the philosophy of Thumper’s dad in “Bambi” to get this one.“Thumper, what did your father say?”“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”Or, in words that have consistently been attributed to Abraham Lincoln: “It is better to stay silent and let people think you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”It is time for Americans to change, to drop the nonsense and take our challenges seriously, and one way would be to stop with sophomoric attitudes like those exhibited in this instance.There are too many important issues that demand our attention.— Chuck Smith