Brian Meitler, Owner of World Pest Control and Sunflower Services and co-Owner of Toxeol Pest Management was one of almost 400 people attending the Bed Bug University North American Summit in Chicago, Ill. The event held Sept. 21 and 22 in Chicago was a huge success, having to turn away over 200 people due to being filled to capacity. The event hosted 14 of the nations leading bed bug experts speaking on a variety of topics related to bed bugs and approximately 50 venders. The participants were updated on the latest research, protocols and products available. Bed bugs have been a hot topic due to their increase in numbers over the last several years. The National Pest Management Association estimates the number of bed bug complaints have soared 500 percent over the past 5 years. World Pest Control is a “Bed Bug Free” company that offers a comprehensive approach to treat your home in the combat against bed bugs. We offer both heating types: steam and “Thermal Remedial Heat”, chemical application, and educating the customer on how to avoid the problem next time.
Bed Bug Summit