Central Kansas Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors will provide to area insurance agents two hours of General continuing education hours on Aug. 19, at the Great Bend Chamber Boardroom. The two hours of general CE course, titled “Medicare Fundamentals”, is provided at minimal cost. Registration is at 9 a.m. at the Great Bend Chamber Boardroom, 1125 Williams St.
This General classified class can be used by Life/Health agents and those who write property/casualty business.
Moderator for the class, Bob Reynolds, is a writing agent with Full Circle Financial Group from Salina. Full Circle Financial Group, LLC provides professional financial services including financial planning and life insurance to customers in the greater Salina area. With over 11 years of experience, Bob is a specialist in the Senior markets and has been an Insurance professional since 1993 and a (NAIFA) National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors member since 1994. He currently serves on the Kansas State Board of NAIFA as the National Committee Person and IFAPAC chair.
Pre-registration is needed as since space is limited. Contact Rhonda Knudson at 620-792-3643 or email- rknudson@amfam.com or facebook – Knudson American Family
Central Kansas NAIFA offers Two Hours Insurance Continuing Education courses August 19th at Great Be