Holy Family School in Great Bend was faced with a unique problem. The Catholic school’s students were being asked to refill their water bottles at an outdated drinking fountain that caused delays in the school day and kept students from staying hydrated. So Principal Karen Moeder called on one of the school’s local plumbers, Comfort Pro, to see about repairing the old water fountain.
“The old fountains were in disrepair and they would never have worked properly for filling sports bottles to keep the kids at their desks more and out in the hallway less,” said Comfort Pro owner Barry Stalcup. “Instead of just repairing the old units, we decided to partner with our friends at MPIRE Properties and donate new combination units that serve filtered water through fountains as well as bottle filling stations.”
Three new fountains and bottle filling stations were installed last month and are quite popular with the kindergarten through sixth-grade students.
“We really appreciate Comfort Pro and MPIRE donating our new water fountains and our new bottle refilling stations,” Moeder said. “The kids and the staff have really come to appreciate them, and we all love them.”
Holy Family School partners with local businesses on water fountains