Have you tasted Kansas Heat Hot Sauce, Million Dollar Relish or Hot Kosher Dill Pickles? These are just three of the seven different items produced in Wilson by Kansas Foods LLC. Kansas Originals Market & Gallery at Wilson will be available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 18, to sample these locally produced foods. Also featured for tasting will be a variety of Snack Sticks made in Wilson by Rick Weigel and his crew at Wilson Foods. A selection of jellies, dips and snacks, all made in Kansas, will also be available to try.
Come early and add your vote for the Peoples Choice in the SmallWorks Art Show. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the show at 2 p.m. Live entertainment, refreshments and drawings for free food products will all be a part of the spring Heart of Kansas Event, the name derived after a customer walked into the gallery and exclaimed, “When you come in here you really see the Heart of Kansas.”
Following the event, the public is invited to attend the Post Rock Opportunities Foundations Annual Meeting at the Midland Railroad Hotel in Wilson. The guest speaker will be Melinda Merrill. Melinda is setting the Wilson Community on fire with her enthusiasm for the area and her desire to make a difference. Listen as she shares her vision for the region. She spends her time divided between Wilson, where she is the owner of the Midland Hotel and Czech Apartments and Estes Park. Colo., where she is the Executive Director at Estes Institute.
The meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. with the hotels specialty chicken fried steak dinner as the main course. Melinda will speak following the meal.
Call Kansas Originals for reservations at 785-658-2602. The Post Rock Opportunities Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation which markets the work of Kansas artists, craftsmen and food producers through Kansas Originals Market & Gallery locations. This year marks the Foundations 26th year in operation.
Melinda Merrill to be guest speaker for Post Rock Opportunities Foundation annual meeting