The Park Elementary School Booster Club is raising money for a future school garden. A fundraiser with the Main Street Pizza Hut will help the cause.
The Pizza Hut dining room is closed, but carry-out and delivery orders placed from 4-9 p.m. Monday, May 18, will count toward the fundraiser, said Brigette Dugas, president of the booster club.
Normally, the booster club would also treat Park students to a restaurant party at the end of the school year, Dugas said. This year, the students will be invited to a virtual pizza party over Zoom. They can order their pizza to be part of the fundraiser or make their own pizza. Either way, it will be a fun time with fellow students.
A school garden at 19th and Williams is the largest of several projects the booster club is working on, Dugas said. They’ve already received an Outdoor Wildlife Learning Sites (OWLS) grant from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism for this “outdoor classroom.” There have also been grants and supplies donated from Sutherlands and ScottsMiracle-Gro.
“We’ve got a lot of big plans for the area,” she said. This garden will eventually have a sprinkler system and a pond/water feature.
People with plants or gardening skills are welcome get involved.