Every fall, our Barton County Extension Council holds an election to fill positions on our various program development committee. Mark Tuesday) October 12 on your calendar this week, and stop by the Great Bend Recreation Center Burnside Room, to cast your ballot. Election time is 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
The committee I work most closely with is the Family and Consumer Science PDC. Candidates i1iclude Marina. de U1ibe and Kathy Hayes, Grent Bend; Gwen Klepper and Alicia Straub, Ellinwood, and Lori Richter, Hoisington. I really appreciate the help and input from my committee as we plan educational programs to meet the needs of Barton County families.
Candidates for the Agriculture Program Development Committee include: Kevin Bahr, Olmitz; Aaron Baldwin and Doug Barrett, Great Bend; Doug Dolechek, Hoisington; and John Schlessiger, Claflin. Rick works with this committee.
The 4-H Program Development Committee works closely with Berny to bring new ideas to the table. Candidates for the 2011 Council inc1ude: Elizabeth Davis and Wayne DeWerff, Ellinwood; Tracey Swalley and Shdlie Thill, Great Bend.
Three candidates have agreed to serve on the Economic Development Committee. They include: Chad Lagennan, Great Bend; Paula Manwweiler, Hoisington; Sharon Schartz, Ellinwood.
Those who are elected Tuesday will join the twelve cOl.lflcil members who are in the middle of their two year terms. From the group of twenty-four, a nine member executive board will be elected at our annual meeting 1n November.
Any Barton County resident who is at least 18 years of age may vote in this election.
We hope to see you Tuesday. Come by the Recrcation Center and enjoy some refreshments after casting your ballot.
Extension Council Relies on Volunteers