“I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.” 4-H members across the nation repeat this pledge at the beginning of every meeting. The overall goal in 4-H is to “Make the Best Better.” There are many activities and events that help our youth accomplish these goals.
Healthy Living (the 4th “H” in the 4-H pledge) is a national project that we have been asked to focus on. Barton County was chosen as one of seven counties in the state to pilot the idea of a 4-H Healthy Living Ambassador or Officer in each 4-H Club. The goal is to help 4-H members and families learn about and try new health habits and improve others. It will reinforce the positive habits that are already in place and hopefully instill additional behaviors that will become habits.
Anna Frizell and Jenna Hertel are members of the TLC Twisters 4-H Club. At a training in Hays, they learned about resources and ideas to get their 4-H club involved in this program area. The first planned activity involved the rainbow of colors that we can find in the fruit food group. The tray of fruit that was presented to the members at the end of the meeting was beautiful! Each month Jenna and Anna will plan a Healthy Living activity or lesson and work to get members involved.
The members of the 4-H club and their families will have an opportunity to brainstorm how group members, families and the community will improve their health knowledge. They will then report back the state contact. Other young people within the club will be asked to serve as evaluators of the project. They will report to the state about how they think the activity went and if they members learned something new and how it will help change their lives.
April 13th and 14th is Extension HealthFest, a training and health retreat at Rock Springs Ranch. Barton County will take a team of young people and adult volunteers to this event to report what we have accomplished and to learn more about what other counties have tried. Be listening for how the TLC Twisters will get families and the community involved in a plan for improved nutritional well-being and healthy eating!
Berny Unruh is the 4-H and youth development extension agent in Barton County. She is a guest columnist for the Great Bend Tribune. She can be reached at 620-793-1910 or at bunruh@ksu.edu.
Healthy living more than a pledge