A Great Bend couple has been taking advantage of a monthly event at St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center to become more familiar with ways to serve up nutritious meals.
Bob and Marilyn Loss have attended almost all of the Cancer Center Kitchen Therapy sessions, which began in January. The next free interactive televideo presentation is scheduled for noon Thursday, Sept. 18 in the St. Dominic Room at St. Rose.
“Actually, we were attending another St. Rose presentation about Tai Chi when the group was asked about cooking for the next Kitchen Therapy. Marilyn volunteered me,” Bob Loss said, laughing.
He prepared a pesto with parsley, sandwiches and gazpacho.
Even though Kitchen Therapy was designed for cancer patients, Loss emphasized the information is beneficial to anyone.
“The concept is to make nutritious meals for those with cancer or other diseases that may affect their appetites,” Loss said. “The Kitchen Therapy recipes may make their meals a little more appealing to their tastes.
“However,” he noted, “these recipes are good for anyone. They have a nutritional focus with wholesome foods that don’t necessarily come out of a can. They are very simple recipes that are not hard to follow.”
Loss, who knows his way around a kitchen, said he has been learning some good tips at the monthly one-hour sessions.
“They have broadened my perspective in the field of nutrition,” he commented. “For example, since we don’t want to use a lot of salt, the dietitians leading the program suggest enhancing flavor with lemon juice.
“The dietitians demonstrate how to prepare recipes,” Loss added, comparing the event to a cooking show. “I would encourage anyone to participate.”
The Midwest Cancer Alliance (MCA) sponsors the sessions. St. Rose is a member of MCA, which is the outreach arm of The University of Kansas Cancer Center.
St. Rose is part of Centura Health, which connects individuals and families across western Kansas and Colorado with more than 6,000 physicians, 15 hospitals, seven senior-living communities, physician practices and clinics, and home-care and hospice services.
Local residents encourage others to join Kitchen Therapy at St. Rose