By the time you read this I will be heading back to the office after a most memorable trip that combined business and pleasure. In mid-September, my husband, John, and I loaded up the van, (complete with tandem bike) and headed east. Our first stop was at the K-State campus where I picked up the poster that I would share during a session at the Galaxy Conference for Extension Professionals in Pittsburgh, PA. The conference had nearly 3,000 registered from all of the different areas of Extension programming. It was fun sharing my “Action Plan for Healthy Living” with folks from all parts of the country.
I heard some good speakers and participated in some interesting breakout sessions during the week. One session I really liked shared information about curriculum developed to combat childhood obesity and community wellness programs, both subjects I am passionate about.
During the meeting, representatives from the Home Baking Association, who just happen to be from Kansas, received a friend of Extension award for their work with teaching kids to bake. I purchased one of their books and am anxious to try some of the activities out with after school programs.
The Conference theme was “Bridging the Centuries: A New Era for Extension.” That was certainly appropriate considering Extension programming is celebrating its 100th
Following the Galaxy Conference we enjoyed some great New England scenery, re-connecting with friends and family along the way. I appreciate the support of our local Extension board to allow me to participate in the conference and look forward to sharing the great resources I brought home with me.
Donna Krug is the Family and Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research & Extension – Barton County. You may reach her at (620)793-1910 or
Theres No Place Like Home