USD 428 Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday at the District Education Office, 201 S. Patton Road. Items on the agenda include: opportunities relating to summer opportunities for students; presentation by GBMS science class; approval to purchase new bus; approval of 2014-2015 BOE meeting schedule; approval to alter District Education Center summer schedule; approval to republish budget; marketing of third party health insurance administrator; reports on Curriculum Day, spring testing Aims Web assessment system, multi-tiered system of supports, 2014 professional development opportunities, and beginning of school calendar; update on GBMS handrails and Riley Elementary School HVAC projects; approval of Riley Elementary School KDOT Walking School Bus Project; approval of $100 gift certificate for Jump Rope for Heart event and $4,500 contribution to Park Elementary School; and report on licensed teacher resignations and licensed teacher appointments.
USD 428 Board of Education meeting