Football scrimmage to be held
HOISINGTON — Hoisington High School football team will have a scrimmage at 7 p.m. on Aug. 29. Admission to the scrimmage is bottled water, individual bottles or cases.
Volleyball scrimmage to be held
HOISINGTON — The Hoisington High School volleyball team will have a scrimmage starting at 6 p.m. on Aug. 28. Admission to the scrimmage is bottled water, individual bottles or cases.
Labor Day committee looking for volunteers
HOISINGTON — The Hoisington Labor Day committee is looking for volunteers to help with various events over Labor Day.
The shifts are one to two hours.
They need help with various events.
Call Kristi at the chamber at 620-653-46-311.
Church to hold benefit
MILBERGER — The United Emmanuel Lutheran church will be hosting a homemade ice cream social and bake sale from 5-8 p.m. on Aug. 24.
An offering will be taken for the items.
The proceeds benefit the medical fund of Larry Bender.
Area briefs