The Great Bend Events Center, formerly the Convention Center, will see some changes following action taken by the City Council Monday night.
Since a recent team-building work session, there have been discussions regarding improvements to the center, City Administrator Howard Partington said. These have included the relocation of the Great Bend Convention and Visitors Bureau.
To prepare for the moving of the CVB offices to the center, what is currently conference room A in the front of the center, will be remodeled to accommodate the CVB staff. At the same time, a doorway to the office building should be considered along with the removal and replacement of the canopy at the front of the center and some exterior windows.
There will also be improvements to the parking lot and steps to better accommodate Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
But whereas none of these are big changes, Partington said it would be better to hire an architect to prepare these drawings. To this end, the gave city personnel the green light to move forward with the selection process.
Partington stressed that it was important that the cost of this project not get out of control. The firm hired must understand the limited scope of services needed.
The council will have the opportunity vote on any contract first.
In other business Monday night, the City Council:
• Heard an economic development report from Great Bend Chamber of Commerce President Jan Peters. She reviewed the activities from the past week, the Great Bend Farm and Ranch Expo, as well as talked about upcoming events.
• Approved abatements at: 418 Evergreen St., owned by Luis Montes, for accumulation of refuse; 1619 Stone St., owned by Daniel and Velia Reyes. for accumulation of refuse and motor vehicle nuisance; 1612 Stone St., owned by Helen Krug Living Trust, for motor vehicle nuisance; 2406 18th St., owned by Letisia Camacho and Ismael Montelongo, for motor vehicle nuisance; and 1200 Polk St., owned by ATB Enterprises, for motor vehicle nuisance.
• Set the schedule for the 2016 budget planning process: Tour of Facilities, 8 a.m. June 12; other agencies presentations, June 15 after council meeting; goals session, 6 p.m. June 22; budget work session, 6 p.m. July 15; budget hearing, 7 p.m. Aug. 17.