The Barton County Commission Monday morning approved a revamped policy regarding the maintenance and repair of city and township roads.
From time to time, the commissioners receive requests from the cities, townships and private citizens for assistance with local roads. The policy adopted under the 2009 resolution sets the circumstances and procedure the commission will use in providing aide, County Administrator Richard Boeckman said.
However, there has been much discussion on this old resolution, mostly around it being too restrictive. It didn’t allow the Road and Bridge Department to be as responsive to the needs of cities and townships as it could be.
In the revision, the Road and Bridge Department director can approve the work if the cost doesn’t exceed $7,500. In addition to the municipality reimbursing the county, the commission will be provided details of the actual service provided, Boeckman said.
Even if the project will cost more than the maximum amount, the department can help in an emergency, Boeckman said.
The county has access to equipment the townships and cities don’t have, yet those residents pay taxes that pay for the machinery, Commissioner Jennifer Schartz said. This policy is a way for the county to lend a hand.
Boeckman said most of the projects involved are too small to be of interest to contractors. So, local officials can’t get anyone to bid on them.
In other business Monday morning, the commission:
• Approved a revolution allowing for a class B fireworks display at the request of Camp Hope Board member Gail Moeder. The Camp Hope Board is planning a professional fireworks display the evening of Thursday, June 25, in conjunction with the camp held at Barton Community College.
The display will take place in the south parking lot of BCC’s Kirkman Activity Center, weather permitting. Friday, June 26, is the alternate date.