County officials had almost $25,000 in worthwhile county programs that needed funding from this year’s special alcohol tax funds.
Unfortunately, they only had about $7,500 to work with, but the distribution of those funds was approved by the Barton County Commission this week.
Health and law enforcement officials proposed the distribution of the money that come from some local alcohol sales.
“The monies, derived from the 10 percent gross receipts tax on the sale of liquor in private clubs, may be expended only for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of services or programs whose principal purpose is alcoholism and drug abuse prevention and education, alcohol and drug detoxification, intervention in alcohol and drug abuse or treatment of persons who are alcoholics or drug abusers or are in danger of becoming alcoholics or drug abusers,” according to information from the county.
There was a total of $7,496 available in the fund this year.
Applications included Barton County Sheriff’s Office DARE, $2,110; Dream Inc., $17,000; Ellinwood High School After Prom Organization, $1,200; LEAD, $2.925; and Pathways to Self-Discovery Juvenile Services, $1,440. The total of all applications as $24,675.
The committee’s recommendation for distribution of the $7,496 was: DARE, $1,500; Dream Inc., $3,056; LEAD, $1,500; and Pathways to Self-Discovery, $1,440.
That recommendation was approved.
Also this week, the commission moved forward with the appointment of a new member to its Community Development Advisory Board.
Tribune Publisher Mary Hoisington was appointed to the open position on that board, which “advises the commission on economic and community development matters, monitors the progress of the Barton County Strategic Plan and makes suggestions to the commissioners concerning the advancement and realization of the plan goals,” according to information from the county.
County distributes annual alcohol tax money