Governor Sam Brownback will be coming to Great Bend on April 28 and will take a part in the Jack Kilby Plaza dedication, according the governor’s spokeperson Sherriene Jones-Sontag. Kilby invented the integrated circuit or microchip.
“Jack Kilby was one of 25 recognized for contributions to the state, country and world,” said Jones-Sontag. “The governor is looking forward to taking part in Jack Kilby Day.”
As a part of the state’s sesquicentennial during 2011, Brownback and the governor’s blue ribbon historical panel named Kilby as one of the state’s Top 25 Notable Kansans.
Kilby was born Nov. 8, 1923 in Missouri, but moved to Great Bend where his father ran the utility company.
“The community extended an invitation to the governor, and he was honored to accept it,” said Jones-Sontag.
The governor is also working withe Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism to put together a summit on eco-tourism at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center on the afternoon of April 28. That event is by invitation only. The governor will then tour Cheyenne Bottoms with the KDWP & T.
Jones-Sontag said the governor’s plans are not yet completed.
Governor Brownback to come to Great Bend