Clayton W. Adams, driving while suspended, fine $100, Attorney fees $75, court costs $110
Clayton W. Adams, parking, dismissed
Jamie M. Bahr, driving while suspended, failed to appear
Dustin J. Chambers, noisy animals, trial
Dustin J. Chambers, cruelty to animals, fine $100, court costs $110
Shaminy R. Clone, registration and vaccination required, failed to appear
Shaminy R. Clone, registration and vaccination required, failed to appear
Shaminy R. Clone, running at large, failed to appear
Jennifer L. Hernandez, disorderly conduct, fine $100, court costs $110
Calvin J. Hinz, criminal deprivation of property, trail Nov. 20
Kevin J. Hoffman, registration and vaccination required
Kevin J. Hoffman, dog at large, fine $50, court costs $110
Christopher Q. Immediato, illegal tag, fine $35
Christopher Q. Immediato, drive while suspended, fine $100, court costs $110
John P. Lynch, drive while suspended, continued to Nov. 6
John P. Lynch, no proof insurance, continued to Nov. 6
John P. Lynch, expired tag, continued to Nov. 6
Nichole R. McConkey, inattentive driving
Nichole R. McConkey, battery domestic violence
Nichole R. McConkey, theft
Nichole R. McConkey, battery domestic violence
Nichole R. McConkey, no proof of insurance
Paula J. Novack, criminal damage to property, failed to appear
Kelly J. Polzin, criminal damage to property, continued to Nov. 20
Kelly J. Polzin, littering, continued to Nov. 20
Jeff Rayburn, battery domestic violence, trial Dec. 4
Nickolas A. Rose, registration and vaccination required
Nickolas A. Rose, cruelty to animals, fine $50, court costs $110
Walter J. Schneweis, unlawful dumping, court costs $11
Stephanie Stephens, battery, trial Dec. 4
Jerrad Lee Umphrey, driving while suspended, trial Nov. 6
Hoisington Municipal Court