You don’t have to be all that observant to recognize it’s been more than a little windy lately, and that causes a lot of problems around this area, especially at the Barton County Landfill.
Solid Waste Manager Mark Witt explained his staff is working to do something about it, though.
High wind and refuse are not a good combination, especially if that refuse is going to be kept in an enclosed space, Witt noted.
“Solid Waste has been busy with numerous projects including installation of a 12-foot-high litter fence along the east side of the Subtitle D area.”
He explained the fence will help keep refuse in place until it can be secured.
“The fence will be beneficial in controlling blowing litter from the daily disposal areas, stopping the litter before it scatters to other areas of the property.”
Like any other public project, however, the cost is also important, Witt added. “The fence is being built with used utility poles and older chain link fencing so to keep costs down.”
And the fence should more than pay for itself in saved man hours. “Solid Waste staff average 430 hours per year collecting blown litter from facility grounds and surrounding areas,” Witt reported.
Witt also reminded the public that the county is continuing its “put and take” project on househould waste items.
“The Household Hazardous Waste program has received chemicals, pesticides, etc. from participants in the three-county program area which includes Barton, Pawnee and Ellsworth counties.
“Several items are also available to the public free of charge through reuse.
“The Barton County Household Hazardous Waste Facility has scheduled collections the third Saturday of the month, 8 a.m. to noon, April through October.
“The public can also contact the landfill to set up an appointment to bring out items during regular business hours by calling 793-1898.
New fence addresses windy issue