The second phase in the two-year effort by the Great Bend Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee to enhance the Great Bend Public Library’s exterior is almost done.
City public works employees have worked on and off over the last three weeks replacing the small flower beds around the light pole fixtures with bricks. This should be completed today.
“This is a continuation of what we started last year,” said Linda Dougherty, committee chairperson. In 2011, bronze sculptures of children playing and reading were installed.
Next will be the laying of a new lawn. The current grass will be removed and replaced with sod next fall.
“We had to make this a two-year project,” Dougherty said. The library is a city facility and the city is providing the labor for the project, but the committee is providing funding for materials and other costs.
There may be more work done to the flowers around the flag pole and the committee may pay for some benches to be installed.
“It will definitely beautify the entrance,” said Harry Willems, library director. The improvements also cuts down on maintenance since the small gardens around the poles were difficult to keep looking nice.
Great Bend Public Works Department Street Division Superintendent Mike Crawford said the bricks used in the landscaping came from the portion of the Broadway island removed at the Harrision intersection for the installation of a turning lane. Maintenance of the islands is another on-going, long-time Beautification Committee effort.
In addition, library personnel sponsored a bench placed outside the front doors. Willems said this seat will feature plaques honoring out-going Library Board members with the first being placed in recognition of Mary Lou Warren.
But, he said, anyone can donate a memorial bench for the library. They just need to call 620-792-2409.
Beautification project at library continues