A new sign will make it easier to find the Veterans Memorial at Golden Belt Memorial Park. The Barton County Road Department installed the brown sign on NW 50 Road near the site earlier this month, Barton Count Administrator Richard Boeckman told the County Commission Monday morning.
The county had requested that the Kansas Department of Transportation install a similar sign on U.S. 281 with directions to the memorial. Now that the county’s marker is in place, Boeckman said the state will put up a sign in the near future.
The sign was part of Boeckman’s bi-weekly departmental update. Other highlights included:
Road and Bridge Director Dale Phillips
• Sign crews were kept busy on replacing and repairing vandalized stop signs. The vandals used an ax in cutting the posts down after pulling the signs from the ground. Six signs were ran over and broken off.
Two 911 locator signs were also replaced due to vandalism.
• Two bicycle warning signs have been placed, with 30 more to be installed throughout the bike route as time permits.
• Asphalt crews resumed work on the Northeast 30 Road and Washington Avenue intersection. Hand patching potholes and asphalt overlay repairs are being made in the Odin and Hirschman areas in northeast Barton County.
• Sealed roads were swept in preparation for paint stripping.
• Sand and chip seals were completed on 87 miles. Other work marking center and edge lines for contract painting to begin Oct. 4. It is anticipated that center and edge line painting should be completed by Oct. 15.
• Culvert and drainage work continued in the Ellinwood, Hoisington and Dubuque areas.
• Silt was cleaned from ditches southeast of Ellinwood to improve drainage.
• Planning for the 2014/2015 snow training began.
Noxious Weed
• Farm pastures are being sprayed for Musk Thistle. This is a regular fall application.
Solid Waste Manager Phil Hathcock
• 953.8 tons of municipal solid waste
• 289.21 tons of construction/demolition waste
• 56.9 tons of special waste
• 554 loads of waste received for disposal
• $48,439.37 of revenue generated through disposal fees
The Solid Waste Department collected 152.4 pounds of household hazardous waste on Sept. 20. There are two household hazardous waste collection dates left this year; Oct. 4 in Larned and Oct. 18 at the landfill. For information on recycling, household hazardous waste, or regular household waste, call the landfill at 620-793-1898.
Environmental Manager Judy Goreham
Permits issued: 15
Water Well Permits: 6
Septic System Permits: 6
Building Permits: 3
Emergency Risk Manager Amy Miller
On August 27, Amy Miller, Barton County Emergency Management Director, participated in a Pawnee Valley Community Hospital, Larned exercise as an evaluator. The tabletop exercise reviewed the evacuation/re-location and alternate care site policies and provided hospital and local emergency responders a chance to discuss what resources and capabilities each agency could provide during an emergency.
In working with Pawnee County Emergency Management and Pawnee Valley Community Hospital, the Barton County Emergency Management program not only improves its working relationship with the organizations but also meets exercise participation requirements for the department, Miller said.
The Kansas Division of Emergency Management notified Barton County Emergency Management that it has been awarded funds as part of the Emergency Management Grant Program. For the FY2014 year, Barton County is eligible to receive $24,005 by completing planning, exercises and other special projects outlined by the state.
In order to receive the grant funds, Barton County must participate in exercises, attend training classes, work with the Local Emergency Planning Committee, develop emergency response plans and provide emergency preparedness information to the public.
County Treasurer Kevin Wondra
The Treasurer’s Office processed a total of 1,206 transactions between Sept. 11 and Sept. 24. The department also processed 11 commercial transactions during the same period. The department is still receiving a few 2013 tax payments. Personnel have attempted to contact the owners of the properties that will be on the tax sale this year and are preparing the list for publication on the website.
The bookkeepers have finished the Sept. 20 distribution and have been busy answering questions from the different entities about the new commercial lines on the distribution reports.
Public Health Director Shelly Schneider
Clinic services
• Women, Infant and Children program – 359 clients
• Flu Shots started on Sept. 22. All preparations are being offered to the community at this time. The department is also planning outreach clinics to offer the vaccinations.
• West Nile continues to be a Health Hazard. The number of positive cases is increasing each week.
• Blue Green Algae is still problematic at Veteran’s Memorial Lake.
Sign directs visitors to Vets Memorial