The Barton County Arts Center is currently displaying its annual Watching Young Artists Grow exhibit, and is announcing another opportunity for students to have their artwork on display.
Entries are being accepted for “Recycling Rocks!!!” According to Karen P. Neuforth, director of the Arts Center located at 1401 Main, Great Bend, this contest for area students in grades K through 12 will consist of works of art that use of recyclable materials or scraps, not new materials purchased for the creation of the project. Neuforth said this could include such items as wood, paper, plastic and metals, but the sponsors request no glass in the artwork.
“The purpose of the contest is to promote environmental awareness among students while encouraging artistic and creative thinking,” Neuforth said. “It kind of developed from working with the Girl Scouts. They put a window display (about recycling) up for a project.”
The works will be judged on the number and amount of recyclable materials used, as well as their design and artistic impact.
The artworks may be created by individuals or by teams of two to four students, and there may be only one entry per student or team. They must be delivered to the Arts Center no later than Monday, April 16. The Arts Center is open most weekday afternoons and until 7 p.m. on Thursdays.
“We do have an entry form and parents have to sign it,” Neuforth said.
Girl Scout Troop 20210 is assisting with this contest, which is sponsored by the Arts Center and Sunflower Diversified Services/First Step Recycling.
The entries will be displayed April 16-21. Awards in four age categories will be announced at an open house from 10 a.m. to noon on April 21. First place in each division will receive a $25 Great Bend Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate, and there will be a $50 grand prize for Best of Show.
Meanwhile, the Watching Young Artists Grow 2012 exhibit can be seen at the Arts Center. These works of art were created by Great Bend USD 428 elementary and middle school students during the school year. Their art instructors chose the works for this exhibit. The public is invited to a closing reception for the artists and their exhibit. That will take place from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, April 15 at the Arts Center
Youth art on display; new contest announced