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Feb. 8, 2011
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Great Bend Fire Department

Firefighters made nine ambulance runs on Friday, seven Saturday and five Sunday.

There were no fires, but there was one false alarm on Saturday.


Barton County Sheriff

A vehicle hit a deer in the 300 block of SE 20 Road around 11:15 p.m. Friday.

Theft of several hundred dollars worth of oilfield electrical wire and old appliance motors from 1566 East Barton County Road was reported Saturday.

Someone slashed tires on a vehicle parked on the Barton Community College campus, it was reported Sunday.

A vehicle traveling south on K-156 at 2:54 p.m. Sunday ran a stop sign at the U.S. 56 junction, known as Doonan’s Corner. The vehicle traveled into the south ditch, over the railroad tracks and into a field. No one was injured.


Great Bend Police

A known person allegedly shoplifted several items worth a total of $20, Friday at 4107 10th St.

Theft of a cell phone from 2027 Morton St. was reported Friday.

Tracy Klima of Claflin was driving east on Broadway Ave. at 12:37 a.m. Saturday and struck another vehicle, which then struck a building. Klima refused a breath test and was taken to the Barton County Jail. Klima was booked on a charge of driving under the influence and released after posting a $1,000 bond.

The back window on a vehicle on Ninth St. was broken, it was reported Saturday.

A hit-and-run vehicle struck a vehicle driven by Hope Huslig as she was driving east on 10th St. at 6:55 p.m. Saturday.

A hit-and-run vehicle sideswiped a vehicle driven by Cole Frimmel, who was westbound in the 1800 block of 10th St. at 1:55 p.m. Sunday.

A burglary at 1617 Jefferson St. was reported Sunday. A DVD player and two Nintendo DS gaming systems were taken from a vehicle.

Someone dumped paint on the inside of a car on 19th St., it was reported Sunday.

Theft of copper from 609 Third St. was reported Sunday. Loss was $150.


Barton County Jail

Booked Feb. 4

Amy E. Grove, Great Bend — Battery domestic violence

Thomas Charles, Ellinwood — Serve sentence

Tara N. Stickley, Ellinwood — Serve sentence

Ryan E. Howell, Great Bend — Domestic battery

Ryan J. Pozalek, Claflin — Probation violation

Latonia L. Houtchens, Great Bend — Serve sentence

Bo Jack Coley, Great Bend — Aid and Abet in a crime

John Sunderland II, Ellinwood — Serve sentence

Howard Johnson, Great Bend — Serve sentence

Alex Roth, Ellinwood — Serve sentence

Michael Brown, Hoisington — Possession of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana

Robert Crawford, Dundee — Serve sentence

Devan Gross, Great Bend — Serve sentence

Neal Baxter, Lyons — Serve sentence

Pennyleann Fry, Hoisington — Driving while suspended


Released Feb. 4

Amy Grove, Great Bend — $1,000 surety bond

Ryan J. Pozalek, Claflin — $2,500 surety bond

Ryan E. Howell, Great Bend — $1,000 surety bond

Bo Jack Coley, Great Bend — $5,000 surety bond

Pennyleann Fry, Hoisington — $500 cash/surety bond


Booked Feb. 5

Sheldon A. Leshore, Great Bend — No driver’s license

Tracey A. Klima, Claflin — Driving under the influence

Shane A. Meeker, Great Bend — Contempt of court, two counts

Amber Kinast, Turon — Failure to appear

Daniel Glaze, Great Bend — Aggravated battery

Jessica Michael, Zurich, Kan. — Failure to appear


Released Feb. 5

Sheldon A. Leshore, Great Bend — $1,000 surety bond

Tracey A. Klima, Claflin — $1,000 cash/surety bond

Amber L. Kinast, Turon — $1,000 surety bond


Booked Feb. 6

Milton Brown, Hoisington — Community Corrections order for incarceration

Michael J. Michini, Great Bend — Disorderly conduct

Fransisco S. Esparza, Macksville — No driver’s license


Released Feb. 6

Tara Strickley, Great Bend — Serve sentence

John D. Sunderland II, Ellinwood — Serve partial sentence

Howard D. Johnson, Great Bend — Serve partial sentence

Neal Baxter, Lyons — Serve partial sentence

Devan Gross, Russell — Serve partial sentence

Alex Roth, Ellinwood — Serve partial sentence

Francisco S. Esparza, Macksville — $1,000 surety bond