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I am unable to buy daughter a cake of her own; family discovers heartbreaking reason for anonymous
main - photo by Christa Cutler
Every parent loves to celebrate their childs birthday. Its a reminder of the time that went into giving birth to the child, but also the love they continue to have for their child. Every parent loves to see their childs eyes light up when they see the cake piled high with candles.

For one family in Arizona, they had the most unexpected thing happen to them as they went to pick up their birthday cake for their little girl, who was turning 11. When they went to pay for the cake, the clerk told them the cake had already been paid for. The family was floored.

Then they saw the note that was included with their cake.

It said, In honor of my daughters 10th birthday I have chosen your cake to pay for. Each year I do this random act of kindness because I am unable to buy my daughter a cake of her own. Today is her big double digit birthday. Please enjoy your day.

The note was signed, McKennas Mom.

Kyle, the older brother, took to social media to thank the unknown stranger for this beautiful gift.

Its reported that McKennas moms touching and heartwrenching tradition began because of the MISS Foundation. She said the organization helped her to work through [her] grief and be able to carry it differently. After joining the foundation, she began to perform random acts of kindness.

The cake not only blessed the Arizona family financially, but also with a different perspective. It did make it kind of a little bit extra special just to be appreciative of my younger sister and to really be thankful for what I have," Kyle said.

McKennas mom wanted to remember her daughter by inspiring others.

McKenna continues to bless other peoples lives through her mothers kindness. But this isn't the end of good deeds. This story inspired more people to share their simple acts of kindness.

One woman shared how she bought a homeless man some food even though she herself isnt very financially secure.

Another woman shared how she and her mother love to buy a drink for someone in the car behind them. Theyve made it a family tradition to serve others.

One of my favorite parts of this story is that McKennas mother did her best to stay anonymous. She didnt serve this family to get the credit. She did it to share the love she had in her heart for her daughter. We all lose people that we love, but that love doesnt have to be gone. Instead, we can share it with others and bless so many more lives.

At the end of the day, remember that just as Kyle said, theres still good in this world. Look for the good in the world, but more importantly be the good in the world.