In Disneys "Moana," demigod Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson, sings Youre Welcome to Moana, taking credit for the sun shining, the breeze blowing, the tides changing and the grass growing. Last week, The Holderness family parodied the song.
When your messy partner does the absolute bare minimum and wants a round of applause for it. You're Welcome," the family's video description reads.
Penn and Kim Holderness left careers in the TV industry to start their own business. They also started a YouTube channel with their family.
In the video, Penn Holderness sings Youre Welcome, as he does small chores around the house.
Youre welcome, sings Holderness, as he puts one cup in the dishwasher, picks up one sock and cleans in other unhelpful ways.
Everything on the bed, got it off the floor, like you said, he sings.
This song struck a chord with many on social media, racking up 3.2 million views and over 46,000 shares in one week. Many of the reactions to the post said the family had captured what happens in viewers' homes.
I feel like you guys have surveillance at my house, one commenter wrote.
The Holderness familys Facebook page responded, We do...and you left the side door unlocked.
Watch the video here.
When your messy partner does the absolute bare minimum and wants a round of applause for it. You're Welcome," the family's video description reads.
Penn and Kim Holderness left careers in the TV industry to start their own business. They also started a YouTube channel with their family.
In the video, Penn Holderness sings Youre Welcome, as he does small chores around the house.
Youre welcome, sings Holderness, as he puts one cup in the dishwasher, picks up one sock and cleans in other unhelpful ways.
Everything on the bed, got it off the floor, like you said, he sings.
This song struck a chord with many on social media, racking up 3.2 million views and over 46,000 shares in one week. Many of the reactions to the post said the family had captured what happens in viewers' homes.
I feel like you guys have surveillance at my house, one commenter wrote.
The Holderness familys Facebook page responded, We do...and you left the side door unlocked.
Watch the video here.